Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: February 2020

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Saturday, February 15, 2020

c/o Assoc. Prof. Nazilla Khanlou: Connecting - Hodges' model & Women's Health

From: Nazilla Khanlou
To: peter jones
Sent: Tuesday, 28 January 2020, 23:18:15 GMT
Subject: Re: Connecting - Hodges' model & Women's Health

Hi Peter,

I hope all is well. Yesterday in the PhD level 2 Seminar course that I teach (for PhD in Nursing students) we discussed your publication and 2 by 2 template. Thank you for letting me know about your work!

FYI, these are the readings we discussed yesterday:

Epstein I, Khanlou N, Ermel RE, Sherk M, Simmonds KK, Balaquiao L,& Chang K-Y. (2019). Students who identify with a disability and instructors’ experiences in nursing practice: A scoping review. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction , 1-28, Published online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-019-00129-7

Hoeck, B., & Delmar, C. (2018). Theoretical development in the context of nursing—The hidden epistemology of nursing theory. Nursing Philosophy, 19(1), e12196. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/nup.12196

Jones, P. (2014). Exploring the dimensions of recovery and user experience. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, 3(4), 305-311.

Khanlou N, Mustafa N, Vazquez LM, Davidson, & Yoshida K. (2017). Mothering children with developmental disabilities: A critical perspective on health promotion. Health Care for Women International (38)6, 613-634. Available url: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07399332.2017.1296841

Thorne, S., Stephens, J., & Truant, T. (2016). Building qualitative study design using nursing's disciplinary epistemology. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(2), 451-460.

Two of the readings in the above are related to my publications (1st one I am a co-author on and the 4th one I am the first author on).

The students asked how I came to know about your work, and I indicated one of the advantages of Twitter is you connect with folks related to our field!

Thank you again,

Nazilla Khanlou, RN, PhD
Women's Health Research Chair in Mental Health, Faculty of Health
Academic Lead, Lillian Meighen Wright Foundation Maternal Child Health Scholars Program
Associate Professor, School of Nursing
York University, HNES 3rd floor
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON, Canada, M3J 1P3

E-mail: nkhanlou AT yorku.ca
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YorkUOWHC

Website: http://nkhanlou.info.yorku.ca/

Friday, February 14, 2020

'Desk-topping' i [ c/o BBC Radio 4 today 5 Feb. ]

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population


Definition #1 below is as obvious as it is brief. A desk might be topped with various things, so-called executive toys (still?), personal affects, or company related branding.
It may have the proverbial in-tray, out-tray (paper still lingers?). The desk may be clear, or cluttered as a workspace. It will be the home of technology, it's PC - desktop - namesake, that shares the floor nearby, wired the sign of connectedness and energy.


To have 'papers' on the desk, might be to denote action of some sort, but how long are those 'papers' held for?
The subjects of the issue at hand could be experiencing a protracted delay. The desktop in this case exemplifies not just bureaucracy, but obfuscation.

desk·top (dĕsk′tŏp′)
1. The top of a desk.
2. Computers
a. The area of a display screen where images, windows, icons and other graphical items appear.
b. A computer that is designed to be used at a desk or table and is not easily moved, in contrast to a laptop or other portable device. Also called desktop computer.


My source:
BBC Radio 4 Today 5 February- discussion regarding historical child abuse in the Church.

Desk-topping or desktopping?

Friday, February 07, 2020

Post enigma 2008 ADLS

I've found back in 2008 there is reference to a non-existent post. I'm not sure what happened, but do remember considering this:


Creature of habit and habitat that I am, I also appear to have used the same 'strategy' of mapping concepts to the domains of Hodges' model.

In this case the focus was activities of (daily) living. It is this strategy that is employed in a draft paper still to be revised but on the Sustainable Development Goals. This exercise is not just reflective, there is a reflexive quality to it. The fact that asymmetry is revealed should not be surprising. In this post the clue is in the word 'activities' and ADLs and what is often deemed primary in theory, practice and common-sense.

To be revised ...

Monday, February 03, 2020

Deradicalisation: Sheep dips and holistic approaches

"Need to treat these people as individuals, not as generic sheep-dip things ..."

"Approach needs to be holistic, all encompassing ..."

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population

Individual beliefs
Personality, Character
Religion - subverted
Need for Theological interventions

Subjective - Objective
Resource intensive

Social values, social media
Community leadership
Community response
Reintegration of Terrorist Offenders
Public Awareness - Preparedness

ACT Awareness E-Learning

(Counter) Terrorism
Prison (aptitude?)
Sentence served
Prison early  release
Deradicalisation programmes -
 (Globally none are 100% success)
Martyn's Law

My source:
BBC Radio 4 Today 3 February 2020.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

The science and sociology of 'Labelling'

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population



My source:
Hannah Kuchler, Nick Verbitsky, Tom Jennings, Shaun Connaire, Opiods sales chief admits to lacking morals, FT Weekend, 25-26 January, 2020, p.13. (additional reporting: Annie Wong, Rebecca Blandon).