Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: Workshop - Patient access to medical records: the patient's view

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Monday, May 03, 2021

Workshop - Patient access to medical records: the patient's view

You may be interested in this online meeting/workshop for 3-5pm May 12th 

Patient access to medical records: the patient's view

It is open to all, free of course, and registration is here:

The aim of the meeting is to add another little push towards getting this higher priority in the UK.  The assumption for the session is that most if not all who turn up will already be convinced of the benefits - but nevertheless it is useful to (re)hear some of those benefits from patients, and maybe one or two of the frustrations, and then get discussion from those present as to how it can be given higher priority by CCGs, Trusts, politicians, etc.

The meeting will be on Zoom and the provisional timetable is:

3:00-3.10            Ray Jones - Introduction (aim of the workshop, a little background, and welcome)

Short presentations taking questions and comments by the typed chat room

3:10-3.30            Liz Salmi - US experience of Open Notes
3.30-3.40            Jene Jinatun - experience 1 from Haughton Thornnley Medical Centre
3.40-3.50            Cheryl Ashton - experience 2 from Haughton Thornley Medical Centre
3.50-4.00            Fran Husson - experience of Patient Knows Best (London)
4.00-4.05            Nik Seth - comparing Patient Access in Estonia with the UK
4.05-4.10            Mar Soler-Lopez - comparing Patient Access in Madrid with the UK
4.15-4.45            Break out room discussion: how can patient groups help bring about better availability and uptake of patient access?
4.45-5.00            Feedback- 1 or 2 points from each group.
5pm                    Close

Please do register and come if you can, and please pass on to anyone and everyone. In particular if you have contacts in the media please invite them - given the need for patients to take control of their health information this should be topical and normally the media likes to take a 'personal story' approach.


Ray Jones

Professor of Health Informatics, School of Nursing and Midwifery

Co-Facilitator for Centre for Health Technology
Research Gate
Email: ray.jones AT plymouth.ac.uk
University of Plymouth, Faculty of Health, PL4 8AA

HIFA: Healthcare Information For All: www.hifa.org