Nursing Informatics 2014 - Call for Submissions

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We are pleased to announce that NI 2014, the 12th International Congress on Nursing Informatics, will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, June 21-25, 2014.
The theme of the conference is “eSmart + ” where “e” stands for eHealth, “S” implies simplicity, “m” represents mobility and meaningful use, “a” denotes advanced leadership, “r” indicates revolution, “t” means translational technologies, and “+” symbolizes People Leading uCare Safely. The acronym is also used to convey the idea of adopting smart technology to help health providers deliver higher quality care.
The online submissions system is now open and will remain open until mid-September 2013. Decisions on manuscripts will be made by mid-December 2013.
You can find more information at the conference website: ...
We very much look forward to seeing your submissions and to meeting you in Taiwan next year.
With best wishes
Nick Hardiker & Heimar Marin
Co-Chairs, Scientific Programme Committee, NI2014