Editorial: "Living dolls and nurses without empathy" mapped to Hodges' model
The example of Hodges' model displayed below is based upon selected concepts and themes taken from the following editorial:
Dean, S., Williams, C. and Balnaves, M. (2016), Living dolls and nurses without empathy. Journal of Advanced Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jan.12891
humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic
'nursing' empathy - individual ability/quality 'the patient' patient anxiety: emotional - psychological state reflection interpersonal skills compassion - PURPOSE individual values hearing the person artificial intelligence | 'nursing' PROCESS (nurse-based observation skills) simulation technology - 'living doll' 'the patient' in bed (simulated) physiological data cardiac event - crushing chest pain voice-over technology -TECHNICAL (machine) objectivity |
'nursing' communication skills experience PRACTICE public perception SOCIO- subjectivity |
nursing programmes - education litigation cost of placements professional values safety POLICY |
Some further questions:
Where would you place holistic care?
Where does atomism lie?
In the above model where is situational awareness and how do we recognise an integrated approach?
My source: Trisha Greenhalgh
There is no endorsement intended with this post.