Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: South Sudan Medical Journal - #1 2022

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

South Sudan Medical Journal - #1 2022

Dear colleagues,

The first issue of the South Sudan Medical Journal for 2022 is on our website here and the contents are listed below.

In it, you will find articles covering seats for disabled people using pit latrines in Uganda, Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Ethiopia, extra-pulmonary TB in South Sudan, case reports on the double uterus, ossifying fibroma of the mandible, and our second Back-to-Basics paper on fever.

See also the Appeal for the Al Sabah Children’s Hospital Resource Centre.

Please share this issue with your social networks; encourage colleagues to join our mailing list and to submit manuscripts to southsudanmedicaljournal AT gmail.com.

South Sudan Medical Journal

We thank everyone who contributes to SSMJ including our editors and, especially, our anonymous peer reviewers. Let us know if you are willing to review or edit articles.

Visit our website to get covid-19 updates for South Sudan and to see our new Guidelines for preparing tables for SSMJ manuscripts.

You can follow us on Twitter@SSMedJournal and our Facebook Group, and find previous SSMJ articles on our website and at  African Journals Online (AJOL) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)


  • Determinant factors of immediate outcomes of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Gondar, Ethiopia Yousif Abdalla Alzubair, Yohannes Hailu and Koku Sisay Tamirat
  • One year’s experience of extra-pulmonary TB in a county/regional hospital in South Sudan Gadic Kot Apiu, Lina Sala, Rosario Iannetti, and J. Clarke McIntosh

  • Sanitation resources for disabled individuals in Uganda Harrison Schmachtenberger, Mei-Li Hey, and Mikaya LD Lumori
  • Portable pit latrine seats to increase sanitation for disabled individuals in Lira, Uganda Mei-Li Hey, Harrison Schmachtenberger, and Mikaya LD Lumori

  • Double uterus in young women delivered by Caesarean Section: five cases from South Sudan and Ethiopia Jok Thikuiy Gang, Garang Dakjur Lueth and Onwar Otien Jwodh
  • Giant ossifying fibroma of the mandible Ernesto Carmona Fernández

  • Back-to-basics: Fever is a syndrome and not just pyrexia Lucien Wasingya- Kasereka and John Kellett

  • Gordon Memorial College Trust Fund (GMCTF) Applicants 2022/2023
  • Snakebite cases on the rise as antivenom runs out in Warrap
  • Al Sabah Children’s Hospital Resource Centre Appeal

  • The graphs showing South Sudan daily confirmed and cumulative COVID-19 deaths as of January 29, 2022

Kind regards,

The SSMJ team
Email: southsudanmedicaljournal AT gmail.com

n.b. I have reduced the number of links from the original email. PJ