Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: Evidence-based care: What are 'we' missing?

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Friday, June 23, 2023

Evidence-based care: What are 'we' missing?

Perhaps, proof of (what) works? 

Blockchain Revolution

"The mechanism for reaching consensus is critical. 'Consensus is a social process,' blogged Vitalik Buterin, pioneer of the Ethereum blockchain. Human beings are fairly good at engaging in consensus . . . without any help from algorithms." He explained that, once a system scales beyond an individual's ability to do the math, people turn to software agents. In peer-to-peer networks, the consensus algorithm divvies up the right to update the status of the network, that is, to vote on the truth. The algorithm doles out this right to a group of peers who constitute an economic set, a set that has skin in the game, so to speak. According to Buterin, what's important about this economic set is that its members are securely distributed: no single member or cartel should be able to overtake a majority, even if they had the means and incentive to do so.

To achieve consensus, the bitcoin network uses what's called a proof of work (PoW) mechanism. This may sound complicated but the idea is a simple one. Because we can't rely on the identity of the miners to select who creates the next block, we instead create a puzzle that is hard to solve (i.e., it takes a lot of work), but easy to verify (i.e., everyone else can check the answer very quickly). Participants agree that whoever solves the problem first gets to create the next block. . . . For each block they find, miners receive  bitcoin as a reward." p.31.

     INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

'proof of activity'
'proof of work'
'proof of burn'

'proof of capacity'
'proof of disk'
'proof of storage'
'proof of existence'

'proof of asset'
'proof of storage'
'proof of stake'
'proof of property'

Hodges' model = Proof of Care?

Proof of Concepts (at least?)

How do we prioritise and focus
our energy expenditure, and energies in the 21st century?

*And education?

Tapscott, D. and Tapscott, A. (2018) Blockchain Revolution How the Technology behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World. Penguin, New York.
[See also index, p.355 'proof of a,b,c...'.]