Notes (III) for a 2010 introduction to the Health Career Model
Definition through purpose
The original purposes for the model's creation are as relevant today as they were in 1983-84:
1. To produce a curriculum development tool;
2. Help ensure holistic assessment and evaluation;
3. To support reflective practice;
4. To reduce the theory-practice gap.
Items 1-4 plus safety are all dependent in one way or another upon knowledge. Admittedly, this is a case of stating the obvious and something of a non-statement in that everything comes down to being knowledge (or nonsense). Resort to some global notion of 'knowledge' amounts to non-differentiation and this tells us nothing. On the contrary: this is how the simplicity of Hodges' model can cultivate and give rise to global complexity. This can help explain the model's potential and utility as a cognitive tool, an aide memoire, a mental prompt and structured conceptual checklist to frame:
- thought
- knowledge (ontology)
- perspectives
- dialogue
- problems
- strengths - weaknesses
- plans and actions
- outcomes
- and much more ...
[These are notes. If you have any thoughts, views on a new introduction to the model please get in touch:
h2cmng @ What do you feel needs to be explained? Which audience should be addressed in the first instance? What assumptions can be made? ....? Many thanks PJ ]
Notes I intro for 2010
Notes II intro for 2010