Blog Action Day 15 October: Poverty - Hodges' model
Well-being, mental health, mood, hope, human spirit. Education - literacies: 3Rs, ICT, social, visual, spiritual, health.... human potential, premature death, personal choices & autonomy. ability to work, philanthropy, disability, gender, LEARNING - UNLEARNING, adversity, personal development, making a difference - Giving. Awareness of poverty. Attitudes, beliefs, sustainability. |
Physical health, nutrition, DIAGNOSES: infectious diseases - diarrhoeal illness, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS. Infant / maternal mortality. Water. Natural resources, fuel, crops, disasters. Geography, global warming, climate change, gender, age. WHO regional-global reporting, ICD. Complexity. Research: Dimensions of Poverty - "The human development index (HDI) includes income, longevity and education. This paper contends that poverty extends beyond these domains. It explores dimensions of poverty that poor people value, but for which little or no data is available." |
Shelter, housing, schools, local environment, social inclusion, work, social mobility, homelessness, stigma (poverty as a disease?), media, major - national & global fund-raising events. Access to information and communications technology. Dependency. Social justice. Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) Religion, humanitarianism, fatalism, leisure. |
HUMAN RIGHTS, LAW, POLICY, U.N., FUNDING, GLOBAL ECONOMICS, MDG 2015. Governance. DEFINITIONS: Relative poverty, absolute poverty, exclusion. effects of globalisation, industrialisation, urbanisation, conflict, refugees, migration, loss of statehood, immigration, professional migration, corruption, economic costs, welfare, benefits, income thresholds, min. wage, inflation, poverty indicators, GDP, major philanthropic programmes, charities, NGOs. social exclusion, unemployment, 'knowledge' economy - learning disability, pension economics, micro lending. International Aid: Official Development Assistance 0.7% national targets. |