H2CM bibliography: New reference in "The Psychology of Arson"
I have only just caught up with a new addition to the bibliography for Hodges' model (please see the side bar).
- One in ten patients in secure mental health settings have a conviction for deliberate fire-setting.
- This chapter views the issue of inpatient care and management from a forensic mental health nursing perspective.
- Hodges’ Health Career – Care Domains – Model (HCM; Hodges, 1998) is used to provide an overview of the political, biological, psychological and sociological aspects of care and management.
- Nurses can deliver and/or support all aspects of care and treatment and have particularly significant roles related to management of relational security and recovery-oriented practice.
- The HCM can be usefully supplemented by a firesetting specific model to enhance nursing assessment.
Dickens, G.L. & Doyle, M. (2015) Mentally disordered firesetters in secure mental health care: a forensic mental health nursing perspective (Chapter 17) In, The Psychology of Arson, 1st Ed., (Eds.) Doley, R.M., Dickens, G.L., Gannon, T., pages 260-275. Oxford: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-81069-2