Finding a space for Lived Experience
Whatever your personal - emotional - journey, your experience, ongoing expectations ... hope: hope-fully this is you. You can, or have discovered the potential here. Whether or not the strengths you possess, are recognised due to what others see elsewhere. | Lived experience brings so many pathways. So many rooms and spaces to explore. Whatever the physical challenges: whether well: 'all-good thanks'; or dealing with one or more diagnoses - acutely, in recovery, relapse, may all points of the compass be open to you. |
Whatever your life experience: your health career began down here [and across there ->], shaped by your life chances. These days they call them the determinants. They are many, and can influence your social network, whether you have one ... | As you (literally) negotiate - even if you fail repeatedly - the systems, that the system throws your way, trying to make ends-meet; in work or out, never under-estimate what a person can do. Here lived experience can pay dividends, across the divides that really matter. |