- plus of course Hodges' model
While I could find out (here on W2tQ!?), I can't remember exactly when I started a writing project about threshold concepts, deprivation of liberty safeguards in the context of residential care and nursing homes. It was at least 2013, and may date back to 2011. Well, whenever it was: what a palaver!
One paper, rejected, the advice was to split the work and create two. The two papers were then also rejected. My writing is always off-piste as it were, on-off too; and then ironically COVID-19 may have helped too? Afterwards, I started to pick it up again - the same title but parts 1 & 2. I never heard from one journal, so quickly moved on. Each time, the work improved thanks to two reviewers and their feedback. All the time my thought about Hodges' model has itself changed: I like to think progressed. With further revision, I finally had two standalone papers.
The important thing is the news received this week: Re. ...
'"A Conceptual Mapping Exercise of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in Residential & Community Care using Hodges’ Model and Threshold Concepts". I am pleased to be able to tell you that has been accepted for publication in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.'
A further paper (part 1 originally) same journal, to be referenced in the above, needs some minor revisions.
I am worried about another paper, with a similar history, that I can now turn my attention to (this itself speaks volumes!). I can see I need to alter the emphasis, balance of Hodges' model, diagrams, psychological therapies and case formulation. A co-author would help, but of course everyone's busy.
So if you're writing and struggling: do keep going!