The Radical, Interpretative and Functionalist in Hodges' model
humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic
This post (subject to further revision) is intended to highlight the similarities of the above structural and conceptual basis for Hodges' model and a table and figure in Keith Tudor's book from 1996 'Mental Health Promotion' from which I drew a post earlier in the year:
Inner model II: Hodges' model - helping to locate Social Sciences...
In this post I'm returning to what are some pivotal figures in regard to the status of Hodges' model. Viewing this below you are invited to simultaneously superimpose Hodges' model.
'Radical humanist' individual experience of health and autonomy in making healthy choices | 'Radical structuralist' materialist view of natural and social world |
'Interpretative' actors involved in the social process | 'Functionalist' regulated behaviour - and regulating healthy behaviour (pp.46-49) |
Keith Tudor writes (p.33):
Drawing on the notion of paradigm, developed by Kuhn (1970), and putting these two dimensions, the subjective-objective and the regulation-radical change, together as axes, Burrell and Morgan (1979) define four distinct sociological paradigms (figure 1.4).
... First, although each paradigm will contain a variety of viewpoints there will be, nevertheless, a 'commonality of perspectives', an essential unity within the paradigm, defined and described by the differences between the paradigms. Secondly, 'all social theorists can be located within the context of these four paradigms according to the meta-theoretical assumptions reflected in their work' (Burrell and Morgan, 1979, p.24). The paradigms thus provide a useful map with which to explore conflicting theories and practices. Thirdly, the four paradigms are mutually exclusive: a synthesis is not possible' (Ibid., p.25).I am still digesting this. Even to wondering that a synthesis may be possible, even if fudged through a series of overlays?
This occasional paper by Tudor may be also help:
Mental Health and Health Promotion
My source: Table 1.3 A scheme for analysing assumptions about the nature of society in relation to mental health. Figure 1.4 Four paradigms for the analysis of social theory (Burrell and Morgan, 1979, p.22) & In Tudor, K. (1996). Mental Health Promotion, Paradigms and practice, Part 1 Defining the field; Chapters 1-2. London: Routledge, pp.32-33.