Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: Hodges' model: a New Invention

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Friday, September 08, 2017

Hodges' model: a New Invention

Created in the early 1980s, Hodges' model is clearly not a -

'New Invention' P. Halling

While Hodges' model is not a new invention, we have always needed to way-find. Maps are very powerful and even more so now that the world is literally within our grasp. What forms of way-finding can Hodges' model encompass ...

Psyche's journey: All aboard!?
The journey that is life and death... within which and beyond is the arrival of love.
The anatomy and physiology of the human body - the journey called development.
The wound healing journey, the granulated path.
The many skills to become more acutely aware of and honed to be a more effective communicator.
The ways and means by which a clinical procedure MUST be followed - with the essential detours that must include psychological considerations and assuring that 
dignity, respect and privacy are upheld.
This ineffable stuff called information how do we arrive there from data?
From information what is the direction of travel to knowledge - 
is W1S D0M a postcode?
This ineffable stuff called evidence, where is that to be found 
and then by what routes can it be applied?
The journey of the health and social care record from blank to comprehensive.
The journey past the signage (paper ... IT systems) that denotes local vocabularies.
The student's journey from novice to expert.
The patient's journey from illness to recovery; relapse to recovery, 
through palliative care to end of life.
Transitions: from care at home, to hospital, home or residential setting.
The patient's journey to hospital: paramedics, ambulance, corridors and bays, 
accident & emergency, ward, transfers, home.
The patient's narrative journey repeated to own doctor, paramedics, nurse, another doctor, social worker, physiotherapist, occupational therapist (not as long as it used to be?).
Crisis informational: worry - going for tests, scan ... attending clinic for results.
 Informational and temporal compression of the above due to headwinds of pressure on beds.
Self-referral journey to destinations (services) and agencies to be confirmed.
The medication journey (not yet personalised) absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
The other medication journey that precedes (reconnoitre) rationale, information giving, consent, titration, established regime, withdrawal, medication stopped.
The terrible journey that sees family losing their loved ones twice over.
Explicit and implicit journeys how closely observed formally and informally.
The trip around the other hubs that also turn: the bed hub, social services hub...
The journey through the calendar that is reflected in so many diaries.
The journey called supervision and why is the start session square so hard to find - time for?
The journey called allocation from referral to assignment of care coordinator. 
The journey through procedure land which includes a territory called complaints.
There is the healthcare journey that claims respect as it is predicated upon the postcode.
The journey of idealism and legacy that is called integrated, 
person centred, holistic care and reflective practice...?
Care programme approach review - initial, intermediate, discharge meeting and community review.
The path clearly delineated but less (not yet) travelled
 - health promotion, preventive medicine, self-care, self-efficacy and health literacy (education).
The journey through so many environments: inner - outer space.
The journey that is hope... and Psyche's way-finder...

How many of the care domains of Hodges' model 
do you ensure you pass through - including the spiritual?

Of course, this list only scratches the surface...

All these journeys can be found and navigated through Hodges' model.

WEST--------------------------------------- EAST

As for the sign 'New Invention'...

Last Saturday at 0700 I left WN4 and headed south for Hay-on-Wye. I arrived at 0930 after passing through Clun and the hamlet of New Invention. I returned with a box of secondhand books, including a couple on education history purchased on my last visit in November 2015. These were useful in the studies at Lancaster. Once sold, 22 books in all, I had £20. Six other books went to the charity shop. An enjoyable trip.

Photo by Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link