Healthcare: One Story - Several Voices - if Heard?
1st PERSON here 'Me' 'I' - my dialogue 'Me' - a PERSON - as Narrator Psychiatrist... as Narrator? | and ... 1st PERSON here perspective, point of view Physician... as Narrator? Case Study as Narrator |
'We' as Narrator 1st PERSON
'You' 2nd Person
'He' or 'She' as Narrator -
Carer / Relative as 1st or 2nd PERSON
| NHS as Narrator - The Clinical Record Commissioner - Insurer as Publisher? Dept of Health as Narrator Governments as Publishers (What chance of an 'advance')? |
"The person narrating the story influences the amount of information you, the reader obtains."
When governments do not fund healthcare the stories that truly count go untold. As carers and families know too well, there is never just one story in healthcare but several.