Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: Covid-19 survey: our selfcare and its effects

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Covid-19 survey: our selfcare and its effects

 Tell us about your experience during the Covid-19 pandemic!

Twelve universities in countries across the globe have come together to find out what works – and what doesn’t work – to prevent and treat Covid-19. This research is funded by the National Institute of Health Research in the UK and Antenna Foundation in Switzerland. We have no funding or links with private companies.

We need to learn from your experience!

We are interested in replies from people from all ages, whether you are at low risk or high risk from Covid-19, and whether or not you have had symptoms of Covid-19. Whatever age you are, whether or not you have any long-standing health problem, please complete the questionnaire.

What have you done to prevent yourself from catching Covid-19? Has it worked?

If you became ill, what did you do? Did it work? Whether you have used conventional medication, alternative medicines, herbs, vitamins, special diet, sports activity or no treatment, we are interested in your experience.

For more details and to take part ... 


See also (from the survey website link above):

United Kingdom

University of Southampton webpage about the survey.

Switzerland (French-speaking)

Écouter l'interview de Dr. Bertrand Graz au sujet de l'enquête dans l'émission Drôle d'été (RTS, 9 juillet 2020).

Lire l'article publié dans la Revue Médical Suisse.

La fédération des consommateurs de Suisse romande a relayé l'enquête.

L'émission 36.9 a relayé l'enquête sur Facebook (RTS, 13 septembre 2020).