Hodges' model: What is the Question? (i)
Can Hodges' model assist student nurses in assessment and evaluation of their well-being through their course of study? What sort of 'spaces' do we find in Hodges' model and do they matter or meta? |
What is Hodges' model? Is there a theory implicit in Hodges' model? What theories might underpin this 'model'? The Demarcation problem: Hodges' model - is this science or non-science? |
Does Hodges' model display consistency when used within a specific cohort of students and across disciplinary student groups? What is a 'span' and 'career' in the 21st century, and why do they matter to the individual and group? | Created in the 1980s is there a political need for Hodges' model in the 2020s? What are 'legacy' problems in healthcare and nursing, and how can Hodges' model characterise them? |
Prompted by post-graduate study and avoiding reference to methods and/or methodology, plus:
How come so many researchers can't clearly specify the questions they are trying to answer? How come so many people are happy to bandy methods and sample sizes around in research bids without ACTUALLY STATING THE QUESTIONS THEY ARE TRYING TO ANSWER? Drives me absolutely 🥜🥜🥜🥜
— Nicky Cullum 🇪🇺 (@nicolacullum) December 15, 2020
Over many years, many questions have arisen.
Resnik, David B. A pragmatic approach to the demarcation problem. Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 2000, 31: 2, 249-267.