Hear* are the Global Evidence Results: Health 10 :: Education 1
Key recommendations
Our main recommendation is for countries to collaborate on evidence synthesis. The most promising avenue for evidence synthesis is Living Evidence Reviews (LERs), which are systematic reviews that are continuously updated. We propose that ‘meta’ LERs are conducted across all areas of social policy to answer the questions that really matter to policymakers.
“Globally, it may be helpful for countries to join forces in producing systematic reviews and identifying evidence gaps. One proposal, currently being shaped by David Halpern and Deelan Maru, proposes that a handful of likeminded governments join forces to produce better systematic reviews and avoid duplication (Halpern and Maru, 2024)… Like the Cochrane Collaboration and the Campbell Collaboration, such an approach can help expand our knowledge of what works, and put a spotlight on the areas where more evidence is needed.”
My source:
Harford, T. Intellect. Used in evidence. FTWeekend, Magazine 2-3 November 2024, p.9-10.
*We really need to listen and respond to this!