"AI & Health: Seminars 2025" - Current topics in AI in medicine and health informatics ...
Dear Madam/Sir,
This is to officially announce the FIRST seminar of the "AI & Health: Seminars 2025" series as hosted by HC@AIxIA, i.e., the "Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare" working group of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence.
*** Save the date: 22 JANUARY 2025. 3:30 CET ***
We hope you will attend and participate in the discussion on the relevant topics that will be presented and by our speakers. Feel free to share this with those potentially interested.
Please find some details below, and a poster attached. All directions for participating are available at https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/.
2024 January 22 - 3:30PM CET
Mor Peleg, PhD, Professor of Information Systems, University of Haifa (HAifa, Israel), EIC of Journal of Biomedical InformaticsTitle:
Current topics in AI in medicine and health informatics:
current challenges and a look ahead
[1] Combi C, Facelli JC, Haddawy P, Holmes JH, Koch S, Liu H, Meyer J, Peleg M, Pozzi G, Stiglic G, Veltri P. The IHI Rochester report 2022 on healthcare informatics research: Resuming after the covid-19. Journal of healthcare informatics research. 2023 Jun;7(2):169-202.Short Bio: Mor Peleg is Full Professor of information systems and Founding Director of the University of Haifa’s Data Science Research Center, former Chair of the Data Science BSc program of the University of Haifa, and former Chair of the Department of Information Systems. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Biomedical Informatics, which focuses on novel biomedical informatics methods. Mor's BSc and MSc degrees in biology and her PhD in Information Systems – are from the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, and her 4-year postdoc was at Stanford University's Center for Biomedical Informatics Research. Mor’s research focuses on clinical guideline-based decision support systems (CDSS) for patients and physicians. She led the large-scale European project MobiGuide and was a PI in the CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience ( CAPABLE project https://capable-project.eu/). There she uses machine learning methods to personalize triggers for health behavior change, utilizing behavioral theories. Web-site: https://mpeleg.hevra.haifa.ac.il/
Flyer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pYIdbkk63mS52wRbOiiEpwaDJmsraZJL&usp=drive_fs
Link to participate:
(PLEASE CHECK the site https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/ for any changes or updates)
Some notes
Serving as coordinators of the working group on AI for Healthcare of the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA, see: https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/), part of our commitment consists of fostering contamination and collaboration between AI researchers and experts and operators in Medicine and Healthcare; in particular, we aim to contribute in building a two-way road for informing healthcare operators about AI results and opportunities, while also raising awareness among AI researchers about challenges and problems in medicine and healthcare.
Therefore, the 2025 seminar series, in the trail of the 2024 edition, will feature a number of experts presenting research results, projects, best practices, ideas, and more to a mixed audience of AI researchers and healthcare operators.
== Are you interested in Joining the group? ==
Please head to https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/ fo find out how. Do not hesitate to contact us at
hc-aixia AT googlegroups.com for any information or clarification.
Thank you for your interest in the AI & Health seminar series and the HC@AIxIA working group, and see you soon!
Francesco Calimeri, Mauro Dragoni, Fabio Stella
(coordinators of the HC@AIxIA working group)
(and my source)