Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: New network in Environmental Humanities: H-EcoLit

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Friday, March 14, 2025

New network in Environmental Humanities: H-EcoLit

supported by H-Net

Dear colleagues, 

Hello. Sorry for cross posting as I am sharing with you the below that may be of your interest. 
  • newly launched network in Environmental Humanities: H-EcoLit supported by H-Net

You are welcome to register for free as member of our newly launched network called "H-EcoLit", supported by the H-Net of the Michigan State University:

H-EcoLit is an international network of academics and researchers of all levels who study the fields of Environmental Humanities, Literary Theory and Cultural Criticism. The network seeks to explore issues beyond the traditional binary of nature-culture, and examines the changing status of subjectivity, agency, and citizenship, while envisioning matters for sustainable futures in a more-than-human world. H-EcoLit is aligned with the H-Net’s aims for supporting open access research, interdisciplinary projects, and ‘unites’ different voices across the globe. The intended audience includes academics, scholars of all levels and policy makers who are working on the Environmental Humanities, Literary and Cultural Studies, and related to Environmental Humanities areas.

Welcome to join us! Thank you!

  • Publications edited and co-authored by Professor Peggy Karpouzou and Dr. Nikoleta Zampaki
1. Special Issue: "Critical Green Theories and Botanical Imaginaries: Exploring Human and More-than-human World Entanglements" published in Open Cultural Studies:
2. Special Issue: "Ecologies of Life and Death in the Anthropocene" published in Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities
3. Special Issue: "The Digital Environmental Humanities: Towards Theory and Praxis" published in HJEAS:
4. our open access chapter titled "Toward Posthuman Aesthetics: The Flesh of the World in Auguste Rodin’s Le Penseur and The Thinking Robot" published in Nidesh Lawtoo's volume titled Mimetic Posthumanism. Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in Art, Philosophy and Technics at Brill:
5. our chapter titled “The Poetics of Zombification in Ryan Mecum’s Dawn of Zombie Haiku” In Zombie Futures in Literature, Media and Culture. Pandemics, Society and the Evolution of the Undead in the 21st Century edited by Simon Bacon, published by Bloomsbury: 
[I note online events are included in an announcements page:

We will keep in touch. Thank you!

Best regards, 
on behalf of the Editors

Dr. Nikoleta Zampaki
Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Philology, School of Philosophy, 
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
E-mail: nikzamp AT phil.uoa.gr

My source: SOPHERE list