JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit (JIT)
I'm getting to grips with jQuery and determined to master it (somehow!). It's true that efforts in one area pay dividends in another scross Drupal (PHP, mySQL) jQuery, Ruby-Rails (another look soon) and regular expressions (jQuery & Ruby).
I have found another javascript resource (in 2008 c/o the 'Shoes' list) 'JIT - JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit' created by Nicolas Garcia Belmonte. JIT offers a range of tools very close to my heart:
Starting the website in 1997 using Hot Metal Pro I was impressed they included a hyperbolic link browser. Tucked away I've quite a few papers on visualization with a social science emphasis - quadtrees, lexis pencils. Must do something with this, I can see a hypertree with 'holistic care' ((better) realised in theory) and person (that is, person-centred care in practice) at its center.What’s the JIT?
The JIT is an advanced JavaScript infovis toolkit that was based on 5 papers regarding different information visualization techniques.
The JIT implements advanced features of information visualization like Treemaps (with the slice and dice and squarified methods), an adapted visualization of trees based on the Spacetree, a focus+context technique to lay Hyperbolic Trees, and a radial layout of trees with advanced animations (RGraph).
See also: