Google's "Think Quarterly" (I am and so can you!)
Google has launched a new venture in e-media with a short book, the first issue is on data - from their website:
Like most companies, Google regularly communicates with our business customers via email newsletters, updates on our official blogs, and printed materials.There is much of interest and to admire here with some key commercial and academic contributors.
On this occasion, we've sent a short book about data, called Think Quarterly, to a small number of our UK partners and advertisers. You're now on the companion website, (also available at, if you're on the move).
We're flattered by the positive reaction but have no plans to start selling copies! Although Think Quarterly remains firmly aimed at Google's partners and advertisers, if you're interested in the subject of data then please feel free to read on...
Using the health care domains model provides a different spin on 'quarters' but getting a handle on e-publishing is essential and Think Quarterly both describes mobile access in an article and provides a demonstration as they cater for readers on the move as per the link above. Enjoy!
On the train Wigan - Euston amongst other stuff I've been reading Web Designer Issue 181 on the jQuery mobile framework.
London does not seem any darker 8.30pm ... but there must be lights off here too ...
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