Nurses & Social Media - mise en scène
... health on the thrust stage
1. The setting of a scene in a play, movie, etc.The health care domains model provides a 2 x 2 stage.
2. The setting or background of an event.
ETYMOLOGY:From French mise en scène, literally "put on stage".
It may be a conceptual stage, but it is nonetheless demanding. It demands we perform the translation from theory to practice and check constantly exactly where we are AND where we need to be.
Should we become so ill that hospital treatment is needed the dependency and the sense of vulnerability this provokes often makes us feel that we are 'performing'. Not only that but as a patient we find our selves on a thrust stage. When illness strikes it seems we are surrounded by this audience of clinicians who can potentially see us from all angles and be privy to very personal information about us.
The demands cut both ways though. Modern health care IS collaborative. Stagecraft here then means there should be minimal furniture and scenery to hide behind. Strange then that in terms of personalised care background details really do matter.
So, everyone matters. Teamwork counts. We try to keep patients off the stage. Patients and carers as expert carewrights may already know their lines - they can teach us. Suddenly everyone is an actor. Suddenly all the players must pass by way of the vomitory and the responsibilities that passage demands. On this stage care also needs to be exercised as per the direction of the NMC.
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