HealthTap: Invited to add their widget... I asked a question...
No doubt it was a bulk email, but I received an invitation from HealthTap to add their widget here on W2tQ. The widget provides the means to access their service, that of putting questions to medical experts.
I have minimized the side bar content, stripping out buttons and other media paraphernalia and yet suitably intrigued I asked a question - ;-)
Fourteen hours later an answer duly arrived by email:

I believe that Holistic Medicine, when properly practiced, assures all of that. For the principles delineated by the American Holistic Medical Association see ...
Also see ...
I greatly appreciate Dr. Randy S. Baker's response and the above links. This is helpful in several respects despite not exactly being the answer I was hoping for.
The answer is itself holistic in a sense in wrapping the question up in an organisational wrapper. That's a safe response, with medicine in there for wholistic measure. Who ever said medicine is reductionist! Judging from his profile holistic medicine is Dr Baker's forte.
Also interesting in the answer is the way the hook in the question was deemed to be the reference to 'holistic' and not the conceptual framework element.
Another point in Dr Baker's reply that reflects on Hodges' model and the health news media in England (UK) next week* is the bit about when properly practiced.
Although the term conceptual framework (Hodge's model !) is not given in the answer: assure is.
What ever conceptual framework (care model, care philosophy...) is adopted to deliver health care, they must contribute towards the assurance of high quality care - that which ultimately positively engages the patient, carer, family and communities.
My question still remains and is usefully extended, passed to the above organisations.
So does the AHMA and the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine have a conceptual framework that helps support their holistic objectives and assurance of care? I will contact them to see if I can obtain a further response.
Thanks again to Dr Baker and HealthTap.
* The Francis Inquiry Report is anticipated on Wednesday.