Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: GRADE CERQual, Reflection, Mixed Methods and Threshold Concepts

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

GRADE CERQual, Reflection, Mixed Methods and Threshold Concepts

On leave this week and as per a previous post I attended the GRADE CERQual workshop last  afternoon. It was a very helpful exercise, a presentation and some group work. ...

I've now 5000 exploratory words on Threshold Concepts with Hodges' model and bringing in prospective research methodologies. The final module of Part 1 beckons (reading, reading...) and this work will help and might be worthy of publication. I'm just adding some other points from the following sources:

Knight, S. (2015) Realising the benefits of reflective practice. Nursing Times; 111: 23/24, 17-19.

I can cite the above as reflection is never far away in theory, practice and students on placement. Is there is a role for Hodges' model? I believe there is and Collins et al further demonstrate the need as nurses evidence reflection on their professional reading for revalidation from April 2016. Collins writes (my emphasis):

Reflection should be undertaken using a recognised model as this adds structure and provides direction. The model used should be chosen by the individual and influenced by a number of factors such as ease of use, understanding and ease of flow when writing. Models without these elements will give the writer a negative experience of the reflection process (p.14).
Collins, G. et al (2015) Using reflection on reading for revalidation. Nursing Times; 111: 23/24, 14-16.

The final paper for now:

Evans, B., Coon, D., & Ume, E. (2011) Use of Theoretical Frameworks as a Pragmatic Guide for Mixed Methods Studies. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 5(4), 276-292.
DOI: 10.1177/1558689811412972

- begins with a quotation:
A mixed methods way of thinking is an orientation toward social inquiry that actively invites us to participate in dialogue about multiple ways of seeing and hearing, multiple ways of making sense of the social world, and multiple standpoints on what is important and to be valued and cherished.
—Greene (2008, p. 20)

The paper refers to maps, conceptual and theoretical frameworks. H2cm is a map and a conceptual framework, but not a theoretical framework; unless theory is implied (instantiated) in its structure?

Evans, Coon, and Ume (2011) write:
Clearly, such frameworks could assist with navigation in mixed methods studies consisting of concurrent or sequential investigations, facilitate integration of methods in at least one phase of the inquiry, and provide a map for combining the what with the why to gain a multidimensional understanding of causal mechanisms. Utilization of such frameworks could, then, fit snugly into Tashakkori and Creswell’s (2007) recent definition of mixed methods: “Research in which the investigator collects and analyses the data, integrates the findings, and draws inferences using both qualitative and quantitative approaches or methods in a single study or program of inquiry” (p. 4). (Evans et al. p.278)

Researcher's are by definition forced to adopt a methodological position and argue it; defend it too! I'm not advocating for something else, but for Hodges' model this is akin to being pressed to hear the Song of the Sirens and suffer the consequences. This model does not want to be tied to the mast.

It is the mast and sail.

Hodges' is mixed methods incarnate - out of the box, in and between them:

Service Centered-Person Centered
Health-Well Being-Disease