Word use & implications for research - 'Population health' by Canales, Drevdahl & Kneipp (2019)
individual health
a. INTERVENTION in Individual behaviour
My word use -
(contribution to and affected by a community of practice) scale Begin: Planetary Health End: |
academia - evidence-base
Length and quality of life
b. INTERVENTION in a healthcare sector Public Health as a discipline - word use SMALL-scale: health promotion and disease prevention FROM: individual CLINICAL - sub-groups TO: group - population A data dictionary? 4Ps - PROCESS |
language use - 'pop. health' meaning? Social and Society Does the community have a role in local health population management? a. and b. insufficient to address - social determinants and health inequities root - societal and structural levels History Community activists for Social Determinants of Health 4Ps - PRACTICE
| TOTAL POP. [health systems Pop.] population health management 4Ps - POLICY political & economic systems low-income LARGE-scale: community initiatives that attempt to reduce inequities by challenging poverty and racism SDOH - inc: food supply, housing, economic and social relationships, transportation, education, and health care
Canales, M.K., Drevdahl, D.J., Kneipp, S.M., (2019) Moving Words, Moving Meanings: The Discourse of Population Health, Journal of Professional Nursing, 35, 2, 71-73, ISSN 8755-7223,