DrupalCamp UK Manchester: education and a (virtual) website
DrupalCamp UK in Manchester this past weekend was a great success. The organisers, sponsors and hosts the BBC on Oxford Road did a magnificent job.
My course through the schedule found me attending:
- Installing and creating your first site
- Drupal for Education
- Drupal and Scrum
- Drupal Forms API
- Introduction to Organic Groups
- Creating your first module
- Using CCK and Views
- The Forms API - again
- Migrating data into Drupal
- Using Photoshop to theme a Drupal site
- Views handlers
They began with Drupal being applied to education for brochureware (wish the new site was there!). This will be my starting point for Brian Hodges' old notes. These obviously need a place on the site, an archive where they are accessible next to new introductory material written to reflect:
socio-politics and the challenges of the 21st century
Yes I know that is a broad agenda ('too much'), but this is about the learners, learning tools AND the models we teach being fit for purpose...?
Additional links:
My review on W2tQ of Bill Fitzgerald's book 'Drupal for Education and E-Learning'
Drupal in Education - group