Hodges model: The realm of the Centaur...?
I've rather messed about here before with ideas for the new website, banners and graphics. In reading I've switched from SF to Ken Wilber, who with David Bohm I have intended to read for many years.
In Wilber's book No Boundary I found a gift of an iconic image, as in health and social care we constantly strive to achieve integrated and holistic care.
Much of my day-to-day work involves mind-body : body-mind and the suffering between.
In No Boundary we read about the Centaur:
Let us return to the level of the total organism and continue with the story of the growth of the spectrum. At this level, the individual is identified solely with her organism, existing in time, in flight from death. Nevertheless, she is at least still in touch with her entire psychophysical being. This is why we usually refer to the level of the total organism by a simpler name: the centaur. A centaur is a legendary animal, half human and half horse, and so it well represents a perfect union and harmony of mental and physical. A centaur is not a horse rider in control of her horse, but a rider who is one with her horse. Not a psyche divorced from and in control of a soma, but a self-controlling, self-governing, psychosomatic unity. p.72
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Ken Wilber (2000) No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth. Paperback / Shambhala Publications, ISBN 978-1-57062-743-9.
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