ERCIM News No. 87: Special theme "Ambient Assisted Living"
Dear ERCIM News Reader,
Special Theme: "Ambient Assisted Living"
Guest editors: Michael Pieper (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany), Margherita Antona (ICS-FORTH), Greece) and Ulyses Cortes (UPC, Spain)
Keynote by Constantine Stephanidis, Director, ICS-FORTH
This issue also features a section on FET Flagships, introduced by Mario Campolargo, European Commission Director, Directorate F: Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures, Information Society and Media Directorate General.
The six FET Flagship Pilots - "Graphene", "Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life", "FuturICT", "IT Future of Medicine", "The Human Brain Project" and "Robot Companions for Citizens" present their vision and what they would like to achieve in the next ten years.
Next issue: January 2012 - Special Theme: "Evolving Software"
(see call at
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Peter Kunz
ERCIM News central editor