Into the looking glass: A collective self-assessment of health literacy
Dear friend ....
I am hoping to take a quick snapshot of health literacy around the world - and I need your help to accomplish this task.
Below is a link to 10 short and easy-to-answer questions - a very short survey - on SurveyMonkey. Responding shouldn't take more than a few minutes of your time but in the aggregate I believe will produce an actionable and meaningful understanding.
These questions are intended for people/organizations actively working on health literacy issues in communities or clinics or hospitals or states and nations and/or actively conducting health literacy research with people in any context.
I will be in your debt if you could help me by doing just two things that should not take up your time.
1. Respond to the questions - anonymously - yourself.
2. Share this email and the link with your entire network of health literacy professionals.
Here is the link:
If you have any questions or concerns about this effort, please contact me directly.
Best wishes as always,
Andrew Pleasant, Ph.D.
HIFA profile: Andrew Pleasant is Director of Health Literacy and Research at Canyon Ranch Institute, United States. Professional interests: Health literacy, Prevention of disease, Integrative medicine, Health system reform. andrew AT
My source: HIFA.
[ Completed. PJ ]