Whether, wherever, whatever you shave - you need Occam's razor
across all curricula to function as a form of Occam's razor -
a reflective and critical thinking tool
to last a lifetime's learning (and unlearning)?
Occam's razor: "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity". "It urges us to choose the simplest explanations or models for any phenomenon we observe." William of Ockham, born around 1285. | "It has been a tool for scientific progress, not to mention a guiding principle for our thoughts, right up to the present day." |
Hodges' model: a tool for individual learners and communities of practice. | "He was, I believe, the first person to so clearly separate science from its religious tethers, a move crucial to science's subsequent secular development." |
McFadden, J. (2021) Razor sharp, New Scientist, 18-25 December. 252:3365/66. pp.70-71.