Blog Action Day: h2cm around the water whole
Today is Blog Action Day when bloggers unite, posting on the key theme of the environment:
It is often said that the planet 'Earth' should be renamed such is the surface area covered by water. Water has long been the reason for life to congregate.
For people water means settlement, hence the fear that in future it is water resources that will drive conflicts.
As we try to get to grips with the environmental issues and their solutions conceptual frameworks like h2cm can help bring everyone and everything together.

People, communities, nations arrive there. Peering into the water we see ourselves and our neighbours.
TI:ME to share, if not barefoot TI:ME to kick off the shoes, touch the Earth and reflect:
From the four corners of the compass some of Earth's travellers arrive together. Others approach alone. Yet others will claim their arrival is spiritual. Whichever knowledge domain is the point of arrival, this provides the primary context.
The 21st century is the century of context: SITUATION
Flora + Fauna = 1
Flora + Fauna + Earth = 1

Gaia taps our shoulder with increasing insistence. Who will turn and look her in the eye? The dare increases in magnitude moment by year. Avoidance of Nature’s gaze will not serve to protect, because we are already turning to shades of grey.
Comets were cast in the role of Hermes, the harbingers of tomorrow. Today, the appearance of contrails near the horizon is striking, so comet like; especially as they buzz the sun. In addition to finding h2cm there, what other messages are writ large in the sky? When will we once again see the stars reflected in the water hole?