Northern England CHE group - Oct 13 Yorkshire Sculpture Park
There is a change of plans for the 3rd Northern England Centre for Human Ecology group on 13 October.
People are struggling to get over to Rivington, Bolton; so Andy Wynne has suggested we meet at 11.00 at the main entrance of the Yorkshire Sculpture Park to see the Andy Goldsworthy exhibition. I think I saw this featured earlier in the year on the Culture Show BBC 2, it looked great on TV so...
Dressed for wet weather and walking we will decide on how to play it when we meet taking the weather into account.... We won't have a meeting place as such although there is a restaurant and cafe.
Well-being is still a very worthy topic in human ecology, sustainable communities and of course health and social care. With Rivington a major water capture area that is another ecological theme.
Apparently, entrance to the exhibition is free - great value - all day parking needs 4x£1 coins. I'm heading over to Manchester to get a lift with Andy and hope my daughter will come along too.
The idea is to look around for a couple of hours, then have lunch and perhaps those who are so inclined could take the long walk around to the other gallery and the outside intallations followed by coffee/tea in the afternoon. We'll chat informally as we go around and possibly more formally at the breaks.
Before this weekend meet, there's the Drupal NW UK User Group event in Preston 10 October. Not sure how this will pan out with two of us so far attending and seven 'watching'...