HSJ: The NHS and fundamental change ...
... governments typically try to will the end but not the means: they try to shift the habits of the NHS while protecting buildings and people; or in Lord Darzi's pithy phrase, they change "the anatomy of the NHS rather than its physiology". p.16.
Finding the pith in Hodges' model (and the problem of refactoring - where would you like to start?):
PURPOSE cognitive geography (the 'physiology' of mindsets) | Anatomy & Physiology PROCESS structure, buildings,geography time, events, space |
(habituated - ) PRACTICE (collective purposes) team integration | the NHS (organisation) POLICY workforce, funding local, regional, national, global |
Seddon, N. (2013) Opinion: Learning from international innovators, HSJ, 12 April. 123: 6346; 16-17.