Book: The Empathy Exams & Michel Serres Institute
humanistic ------------------------------------------- mechanistic
Interpersonal Skills
| The Natural Sciences | ||
Local, Society & Socio-
| -Economics Law |
As recent posts reveal I'm overwhelmed with reading at present. Material that is essential for the TEL course and reading more tangential and yet potentially enjoyable titles. It will be a busy summer as all this is brought together(!?). Especially as I've a literature search in mind as a module submission - progress permitting.
The publication of Jamison's book this (N) spring sits well after the findings last year about the benefits of reading fiction in increasing empathy.
Since 2008-2009 I've lost touch with the work of Michel Serres:
Jones, Peter, Exploring Serres’ Atlas, Hodges’ Knowledge Domains and the Fusion of Informatics and Cultural Horizons (Aug 15, 2007). SOCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONNECTING SOCIETY AND CULTURAL ISSUES. Available at SSRN: or
I only scratched the surface of Serres' oeuvre in the above paper and when time permits will revisit this work having just learnt of the Institute:
The resource-systems approach
"Reframing the conceptual and operational field of natural resources requires deep interdisciplinarity across fields encompassing legal and socio-economic studies, and life-sciences. And, it goes without saying, philosophy. The priorities at present are the aid to decision-making and a participative, pro-active civil society acting to (1) manage human activities while meeting the specific territorial potential and resource capacities and (2) ensure a fair re-allocation of such resources according to vital human needs and coherent public goods policies. Who are the members, what are the missions and the activities of the (...)."
My source: The Empathy Exams
FT Weekend, June 7-8, 2014.