... graph portability ...
care graph portability
| care graph portability |
social graph portability
& care graph portability
care graph portability
Of course, social graph portability and care graph portability do not bear comparison. Social graph portability is still contested as the media reveals. But 'care graph portability' is stretching it...
In this post I wish to point out the internal transactions (conceptual portability - facets - patterns) that are needed to achieve person centred and holistic care at the individual level. This can then be integrated. Throughout an individual episode of care, to recovery and staying well this 'care graph portability' can be said to be achieved through reflective practice that also engages the patient and carer(s) to facilitate self-care and health literacy. This is true portability in the care context.
See also:
Is social graph portability workable?
My source: Harford, T. (2017) How to poke Facebook off its perch, FT Weekend, 4-5 November, p.12.