Webinar: ‘Global Remote and Rural Healthcare – how can we do it better?’
Following a successful online event last November Ms Jackie Aldridge got in touch, seeking speakers and attendees for a further webinar next month.
If you can suggest a speaker, present yourself, or are interested in attending please contact Jackie as per her [edited] message below.
Many thanks
Peter J.
We were so pleased that you agreed to be a speaker at our conference last November on the subject of ‘Global Remote and Rural Healthcare – how can we do it better?’.
As part of our follow up after the conference we decided it would be a good idea to try and run a short webinar a few times a year to keep this important subject under discussion. We are planning to run our first one on Tuesday 18 May.
I am hoping you may be able to help us by suggesting another contact who works in the field of remote and rural healthcare, who you think may be interested in giving a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes) about their specific field of expertise.
All I would need is their name, contact details and a short indication of what their specialism is.
I hope you can help and I look forward to hearing from you with your suggestions.
Best wishes
Jackie Aldridge
Programme Delivery Coordinator
jackie.aldridge AT bridge2aid.org
Working part time, usually on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays
UK office: Bridge2Aid, The Keepers, Symn Lane, Wotton-Under-Edge, GL12 7BD
Tel: 01453 546776. Registered Charity No: 1170578