Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...
"It has been another challenging week for the UK's NHS as nurses were offered a paltry 1 per cent pay rise. But the artist Banksy is to show his support by auctioning "Game Changer" (2020), a painting initially made to hang in University Hospital Southampton, and now sold to benefit the NHS. The hand-painted, signed work, which shows a kneeling child playing with a toy nurse instead of more traditional superheroes, is estimated by Christie's at £2.5m to £3.5m".
Gerlis, M. (2021) The Art Market, Collecting, Life&Arts, FTWeekend, 13-14 March, p.14.
Born in Liverpool, UK. Community Mental Health Nurse NHS, Part-time Lecturer, Researcher Nursing & Technology Enhanced Learning
Registered Nurse - Mental Health & General Community Psychiatric Nursing (Cert.) MMU PG Cert. Ed. BA(Joint Hons.) Computing and Philosophy - BIHE - Bolton PG(Dip.) Collaboration on Psychosocial Education [COPE] Univ. Man. MRES. e-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster Univ.
Live and work in NW England - seeking a global perspective.
The views expressed on W2tQ are entirely my own, unless stated otherwise. Comments are disabled. If you would like to get in touch please e-mail me at h2cmng AT yahoo.co.uk
* IO Magazine
Reveal Digital , 01-01-1988
Contributed by: Charles Stein; Don Byrd; A.S. Yessenin-Volpin; Christer Hennix; Henry
Flynt; Henry Flynt; George Quasha; Charles Stein; Christer Hennix; Luitzen Egbertus Jan
Brouwer; L.E.J. Brouwer; L.E.J. Brouwer; Charles Stein
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.28038534
Hodges' model was created by Brian E. Hodges [Senior Lecturer, Retired] in the mid-1980s at what is now Manchester Metropolitan University.
Peter Jones, author / editor of this blog has championed Hodges' model as a personal initiative online since 1998, but discovered the model on the CPN(Cert.) course 1988. The driver is recognition of the increasing relevance - decade-by-decade - of Hodges' model as a primary resource for local, national, global and glocal (virtual) health and education.
Visitors to this blog, individuals and organisations, are invited to consider use of Hodges' model.
Hodges' model is provided as an open educational resource (OER).
"Open Educational Resources are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse, without charge. OER often have a Creative Commons or GNU license that state specifically how the material may be used, reused, adapted, and shared." [Google, 8 Feb 2016]
Hodges' model is assigned Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0):
OER is important for teaching, learning, and collaboration generally. Hodges' model is an ideal tool to span individual and global health care. Peter Jones encourages and will try to respond to support users interested in exploring how Hodges' model can support their work.
Post-publication I have learnt of new papers that have cited, or even used Hodges' model. This is very welcome news. If you are contemplating using h2cm, I'd be pleased to help. The aim is to see h2cm applied, especially in the real world, across disciplines and to help squeeze all the conceptual juice out of the model as per your context.
BIBLIOGRAPHY & Citations for Hodges' model
Please note the website - p-jones.demon.co.uk listed in many papers below is no longer active and maintained. 'Demon' ceased operating as an internet provider in 2015.
A new site for introductory materials and Brian Hodges' original notes will follow (one day!?) ...
Hodges, B.E. (1989) The Health Career Model, IN, Hinchcliffe, S.M. (et al.) 1989 Nursing Practice and Health Care, 1st Edition only, London, Edward Arnold.
Adams, T. (1987) Dementia is a family affair. Community Outlook, Feb, 7-8.
Jones, P. (1999) It's time to master the latest tools and Hodges' Health Career Model, IT in Nursing, 11.2.
Jones, P. (2004) Viewpoint: Can informatics and holistic multidisciplinary care be harmonised? British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information Management, 21, 6, 17-18.
Jones, P. (2009) Socio-Technical Structures, the Scope of Informatics and Hodges’ model, IN, Staudinger, R., Ostermann, H., Bettina Staudinger, B. (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Nursing Informatics and Socio-Technical Structures, Idea Group Publishing, Inc. Chap. 11, pp. 160-174.
Kernohan, G. (2010) Theoretical review of public engagement in Nursing. Proc 1st Public Engagement Colloquium, Kells, Co Antrim, 22 April.
Murphy, K., Welford C. (2012) Agenda for the future: enhancing autonomy for older people in residential care.International Journal of Older People Nursing. 7, 75–80.
Jones P. (2014) Using a conceptual framework to explore the dimensions of recovery and their relationship to service user choice and self-determination. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine. Vol 3, No 4, (2013) pp.305-311.
Bom, J. (2015) Geboeid signaleren. De Verpleegkundig Specialist. 10. 14-15. 10.1007/s40884-015-0051-z.
Jones P. Exploring the relationship of threshold concepts and Hodges’ model of care from the individual to populations and global health. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(3): 1697-720. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v8i3.464
Maffissoni, André & Vendruscolo, Carine & De Lima Trindade, Letícia & Zocche, Denise. (2018). Redes de atenção à saúde na formação em enfermagem: interpretações a partir da atenção primária à saúde. Revista Cuidarte. 9. 1-13.
Holmes, D. Perron, A. Jacob, J.D. Paradis-Gagné, É. & Gratton, S (2018). Pratique en milieu de psychiatrie légale: proposition d’un modèle interdisciplinaire, (Practice in forensic psychiatry: A proposed interdisciplinary model). Recherche en soins infirmiers, 134, 33-43. DOI: 10.3917/rsi.134.0033
Ashiquer Rahman, S.K. (2019) Mobilizing ePLANETe.Blue knowledge mediation portal to deal with new challenges of sustainable development in Higher Education and Research Etablishments (HERE) from a perspective of Knowledge Economy.
Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Paris-Saclay
préparée à l’Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. École doctorale n°578 Sciences de l’homme et de la societé Spécialité de doctorat : Sciences Économiques.
Kennedy, Harry G. (2019). National Forensic Mental Health Service (NFMHS) Model of Care. 10.13140/RG.2.2.30103.59041.
Hayward, B.A. (2020), Mental health nursing in bushfire‐affected communities: An autoethnographic insight. Int J Mental Health Nurs. doi:10.1111/inm.12765
Iris Lohja, Yves Demazeau, Christine Verdier. A multi-agent system approach to dynamic ridesharing for older people: State-of-the-art work and preliminary design. 18èmes Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle, RJCIA’20, Jun 2020, Angers, France. pp.52-59. ⟨hal-02897446⟩
Byrt R. Forensic Mental Health Nursing in Secure Hospitals and the Criminal Justice System. Nurs Health Care Int J. 2019, 3(2): 000176.
Hamilton EAA, Dornan L, Sinclair M, McCoy J, Hanna-Trainor L, Kernohan WG. A scoping review protocol: Mapping the range of policy-related evidence influencing maternal health outcomes in a fragile, low-income country. J Adv Nurs. 2021 Jul 20. doi: 10.1111/jan.14956. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34288043.
Elien G Neimeijer (2021) "CLOSE(D) CARE: Group climate in a secure forensic setting for individuals with mild intellectual disability." Radboud University, ISBN: 978-94-6416-713-9
Fryer, Jon. “Information Literacies – Learning, to Thrive in a Digital Age” IRMS Bulletin 230 (2022): 16-21.
Kistler KB, Tyndall DE. Application of the Threshold Concept Framework in Nursing: An Integrative Review. Nurse Educ. 2022 Mar-Apr 01;47(2):91-95. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001041. PMID: 34033613.
Jones P, Wirnitzer K. Hodges’ model: the Sustainable Development Goals and public health – universal health coverage demands a universal framework. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2022;5:doi: 10.1136/bmjnph-2021-000254
Kernohan, W. G., & Jones, P. (2023). Hodges’ Health Care Model as a Framework for Quality. Paper presented
at Interprofessional work: developing oral care and the health workforce for the future, Brescia, Italy. https://pure.ulster.ac.uk/en/publications/hodges-health-care-model-as-a-framework-for-quality
Above paper cited by:
Leung, T.C.H., You, C.SX. (2023). Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Promotion to Different Stakeholder Groups. In: Environmental, Social and Governance and Sustainable Development in Healthcare. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1564-4_6
Yadav, V. S., & Singh, B. (2023). Evaluating the Human Rights Perspective on Sustainable Development Goals Accessible Health Coverage. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 11(6), e1254. https://doi.org/10.55908/sdgs.v11i6.1254
Kernohan, WG, Dornan, L & Jones, P 2023, 'A reflection on Hodges' Health Career Model for integration of health innovation', Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 7/03/23 - 9/03/23.
McLaughlin, P., Brady, P., Carabellese, F., Carabellese, F., Parente, L., Uhrskov Sorensen, L., . . . Kennedy, H. (2023). Excellence in forensic psychiatry services: International survey of qualities and correlates. BJPsych Open, 9(6), E193. doi:10.1192/bjo.2023.578
Kainat Asmat (2024). Practice Without Theory: A Philosophical Inquiry into Contemporary Nursing in South Asia: Nursing Practice without Theory. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care. 12. 125-131. 10.18552/ijpblhsc.v12i2.1068.
Güner, Y., Delibalta, B., Üçüncüoğlu, M., Paslı, S. (2025). Challenges encountered by emergency nurses in forensic case management: A qualitative study, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Volume 109, 102807, ISSN 1752-928X,
[ For Dr Wirnitzer's work please see:
The NURMI-Study (NURMI – Nutrition and Running high Mileage) https://www.facebook.com/nurmistudy
Editorial: Situational Awareness, Psychoses, Cardiovascular Nursing, Research Methods and Hodges' model.
Hodges' model and the use of Diagrams in Case Formulation
Recognising the Value of Hodges’ model as a Known - Unknown in the time of COVID and Information Disorder.
Liberty Protection Safeguards, Threshold Concepts, Hodges' model in the Residential Care Sector (Parts 1 & 2)
Hughes (1958) is clearly dated, and as reflected in the title. Brian Hodges referenced Hughes to define ‘health career’ the idea of life chances.
Hughes, E. (1958) Men and their work. New York: Free Press.
A paper in 1977 refers to "Health career model", this is not Hodges' model, but we can match the paper's econometric context as follows: 'health career' equates with 'life chances' and so draws upon the model's INDIVIDUAL domains. While in the paper "Life-cycle and Quality of Life" can be matched with the COLLECTIVE domains of Hodges' model, namely, SOCIOLOGICAL and POLITICAL. Of course, Quality of Life is also an individual, subjective, phenomenological experience. The paper however preempts the ongoing focus upon SOCIAL DETERMINANTS, and more generally, the current state of our Social and Political contracts. Now the further differentiation of political, commercial, geopolitical determinants (where we are born, what 'papers' we possess, or not; are we State/Stateless) is an opportunity for Hodges' model. The ability of Hodges' model to encompass and switch contexts provides evidence of the model's potential and power, a result of its structure and situated content. In health and social care, Quality of Life (clearly) remains an individual AND collective matter, from individual assessment tools, to weighing the ethics, benefits and costs of interventions in collective - aggregated terms (QALY).
"900: Welfare Programs; Consumer Economics; Urban and Regional Economics." (1977). Journal of Economic Literature, 15(4), 1451–1457. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2723014
The two papers below pre-date the first website [1998-2015 webarchived], but show how I have subsequently stressed the role of information, informatics and the socio-technical within Hodges model as a unifying concept. I have copious notes to revisit this subject, on: post-COVID and dis- mis- malinformation; and nursing's legacy issues.
Jones, P. (1996) Humans, Information, and Science, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24(3),591-598.
Finally some software publications from the microcomputer era.
Jones, P. (1986) Computing in Nursing NEWS. Computerised Patient Assessment. Nursing Times. 85: 5. Sep 3-9;82(36):63-5. PMID: 3532039 (Describes 'CAPA', a BBC microcomputer program for student nurses.)
Jones, P. (1989) Computers in Nursing NEWS. Creating a Program. Nursing Times. Feb 1-7;85(5):66-8. PMID: 2648342 (Describes 'HAEM', a BBC microcomputer program for student nurses on blood and blood groups.)
Please contact me if you have a paper referencing Hodges' model, or you have a project in mind, but need some advice, more information to help you use the model. Thank you.
21th Annual STS Conference Graz 2023:
"Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies" 8th - 10th May 2023
Information & Records Management Society: IRMS22 - Resilience, Recovery, Renewal
Glasgow - DoubleTree by Hilton, May 15-17 2022
8th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conferences
Online, 7–9 July 2021
Global Remote and Rural Healthcare
(Virtual) 17-18th November 2020
Systems: Transition to a Sustainable World 15th September 2023, Richmond Building, University of Portsmouth
RCGP’s 7th Health and Justice Summit: Journeys Through Justice – Leadership and Transformation
Bristol, 25-26 November 2019
Participant: Re-envisaging
Infection Practice Ecologies in Nursing through Arts and Humanities Approaches
Spring 2018 - October 2019
Threshold Concepts in Action, University of Dundee: 27th-28th June 2019
Friday 28th June 2019: Threshold Concepts in Health Special Interest Group meeting. Morning: papers/discussion with virtual access for members at a distance; Afternoon: research/writing workshop; sharing advice and ideas
Presented at UKSS Conference 2018
UK Systems Society: Can systemic thinking reshape health services?
Presented at 4th Int. Nursing Conference Jordan The Tipping Point: Creative Solutions to Health and Nursing Challenges
"نقطة التحول: حلول خلاقة للتحديات الصحية والتمريضية"
Is there interest in an open, accessible conceptual framework not only for self-care and health care but for planetary health too? I believe there is ...