NIGH message for GANM network - We Need Your Help with the UN General Assembly
Please assist if you can....
Dear GANM Colleagues,
The Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) ( team invites you to join with us to ask the 2009 UN General Assembly to consider the UN Resolution proposal (see below) as they will be voting until the end of December 2009.Currently the NIGH team is working in and around the United Nations in New York City — to propose a UN Resolution (below) recognizing the work of global nursing.
Please write to your country's UN Ambassador in New York City.
To find your country's UN Ambassador:
1.) ...
2.) to find the mailing address and a link to your country's web page (where you can find their email address) for your country's representative - go to:
Address the following message to your UN Ambassador. Finding the email address may take a little more effort, but it is quicker. We hope you will take the extra effort to let your representative know how important this issue is.
If you want to add a personal note to this example message please feel free:
re: Resolution to Acknowledge Campaign for 2010 to Support UN MDGs
(Enter the name of your UN Ambassador and country)
Permanent Mission to the United Nations
We ask you please to consider, now, initiating or supporting a Resolution for this 2009 General Assembly:
1/. The General Assembly, in recognition of the devotion and dedication of the world’s nurses and midwives and their care and concern for the health and well-being of the “peoples of the United Nations,” hereby acknowledges, with gratitude, their celebration of the “2010 International Year of the Nurse,” the Centennial of Florence Nightingale, through their campaign to raise global public awareness and support for the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
2/. The Assembly recognizes, in particular, their vital contribution to reducing child mortality and improving maternal health — as specified in MDGs 4 and 5 — and expresses appreciation for their overall commitment to the achievement of these United Nations’ objectives.
Sincerely yours,
Phalakshi Manjrekar, MScN, RN, India
Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, USA
Dionne Sinclair, MSN, RN, Jamaica
Cynda H. Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN, USA
Deva-Marie Beck, PhD, RN, Canada
Co-Directors, Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) on behalf of 20,000 nurses from 110 nations who have signed the ”Nightingale Declaration for a Healthy World.” See:
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”Global Public Health“ has been a key focus of the United Nations, until December 31, 2009, and then the UN focus moves to “Gender Equality” for 2010. We believe that it is, therefore, urgent that we get this Resolution into the UN General Assembly agenda for adoption before the end of 2009.
We have contacted Ambassadors from all 192 Member States, asking them to support this proposal. As well, we have sent them the attached press release, which we will also be forwarding on to all 200+ media representatives and media agencies accredited at the UN.
The NIGH team thank you for your consideration of our request. Please circulate this request to other colleagues.
Additional links: 2010 International Year of the Nurse (IYNurse)
GANM (Global Alliance for Nursing and Midwifery)