The Longitude and Latitude of health c/o BBC [ and h2cm? ]
The axes of Hodges' model, the bisection of HUMANISTIC ----- MECHANISTIC by INDIVIDUAL----GROUP provides a location in the sense of 'x' marks the spot. The axes form a reticle a cross hair scale from which things might be identified and located.
Hodges' health career
- care domains - model
The operative word here is 'career' referring to life chances. Like the global map with its universal application, h2cm can be used from birth, teens, adulthood and seniority. H2CM can capture snapshots of an individual's life - (w)rite up to end of life: whatever the conceptual resolution. Think of a stacked series of H2CM frames.
A lifetime view of health is what researchers pursue in longitudinal research studies. There was a programme on Radio 4 this a.m. which I've just enjoyed Science: From Cradle to Grave with Ben Goldacre and there's the prospect of more to follow (Generations Apart).
Since the still ongoing 1946 cohort study there have been several others with the recruitment of parents and children for a 2012 cohort to be commenced. What I found particularly interesting is the way the emphasis of the cohorts in-between has emphasized medicine then shifted towards the needs of the social scientists. The programme highlights how given the increasing complexity of cause and effect, rapid developments in genetics, and the environment ... striking a balance is very important.

Addendum (c/o Catherine Coleman LinkedIn):
Harvard researchers recruiting 100,000 nurses!
RNs and LPNs (US and Canada only) age 22-45 join Harvard researchers in the largest, longest study of women's health.
The Nurses Health Study (no longer) invites you to become part of its newest group. Participation only requires one online survey a year.
Since 1976, more than 200,000 US women in Nurses Health Study 1&2 have influenced what we know about cancer, diet, heart disease, and hormones.
In only an hour a year, you will be able to make a difference for your colleagues and for future generations!
Additional links:
UK Longitudinal Studies Centre (ULSC)
Understanding Society: Early findings from the first wave of the UK’s household longitudinal study
ESRC: The future of longitudinal studies
Lifelong Health & Ageing: LHA
National Survey of Health and Development: NSHD
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