How will you apply yourself?
What about a career in which you can truly apply your skills, knowledge and self?
What about...
humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic
applied psychology | applied human biology |
applied sociology
(working with people)
| applied politics |
...applied nursing?
As you align your career with a patient's health career you can make a real difference.
There is a bonus too: you can also help transform nursing and other health disciplines to prevent the patient exercising their health career and were needed staying as well as they possibly can.
Yes, given the public (mental) health situation there's a lot of irony in that, but it is ironic in being of extreme importance in the 21st Century as new entrants, like you, join higher education and the workforce to begin - exercise ;-) your career. Amid demographic change, increased use of technology, genetics, robotics and other challenges nursing must adapt, innovate, improve the quality of care and the public's safety. A career full of challenges - there must be some longevity in that too!
Hughes, E. (1958) Men and their work. New York: Free Press. (Hughes was used by Brian Hodges to define ‘health career’ the idea of life chances.)