Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: How Do I Give Bad News? c/o HospiceFoundation.ie

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Sunday, July 16, 2017

How Do I Give Bad News? c/o HospiceFoundation.ie

humanistic -------------------------------------------  mechanistic

Level of knowledge and understanding

empathy and rapport
Losses ... many forms ...
shattered hopes, dreams, aspirations

patient's reaction -
anger, anxiety, blame, shock,
helplessness, misinterpretation

Acknowledge reaction
diffusing anger...
Respect denial of bad news

awareness - understanding


It is good to use non-verbal cues to
 convey warmth, sympathy, 
encouragement or reassurance 
to the patient. p.10.

Bad news = information that
affects the individual's
identity - very existence - 
Correct patient and family

Plans to give - convey bad news -
Multidisciplinary Team informed

Bad news = information that affects the individual's future

When to inform?
As soon as information is known.

Ensure environment - time protected, no interruptions, mobile phones ...
At bedside, curtains closed, eye-level, volume of voice, deafness?

Proceed at person's pace
Give information in chunks

Be prepared to 'fire warning shot' -
'telegraph' what may follow

Diagnosis FUTURE prognosis
Time and 'space' often need to be
created and then protected (respected)
or that of a loved one.

shock of others -
family and risk of being overheard
awareness - understanding

social support strengths

Shared resilience with acceptance

A standard to use:
If the person was my relative would I
 have been happy with how the
 news was given? p.6.

How Do I Give Bad News?


Sick child? p.16.

Sudden death? p.20.

Age of consent - 16 years old - 18?

Right to:
  • accurate and true information
  • receive or not receive information
  • decide how much information
  • decide who should be present at consultations
  • decide who should be informed about their diagnosis and what information they should receive
Under no circumstances should you hand over personal belongings in a plastic bag. p.23.
