Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: Scaling-up Health Arts Programmes: Effectiveness Research (Sold Out!)

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Scaling-up Health Arts Programmes: Effectiveness Research (Sold Out!)

This event is located in London, it is sold-out and not online. Coming across the symposium on twitter and learning that the research has run its course prompted me to think about the life-cycle of projects, research (big and small); ever important, of course, in the dissemination of research results, outcomes and benefits.

More details are provided on the 'Sold Out' event link and in the image below:



Why bother to post this? We can't be all-knowing in terms of research / project calls. This means I've noticed how we often learn of initiatives and opportunities at their close. News of citations for Hodges' model arrive is invariably after-the-fact, the fact being the 'study' as a whole. So is the dissemination more haphazard than it needs to be? A silly question, but have all the research councils, academia in general looked at research 'alerts'. What about the Government? Especially in response to citizen science, patient engagement, public involvement? Is this an application begging for a digital solution? Perhaps there is one (several) out there already? In human resources there is employee on-boarding, orientation and there's off-boarding, or there's supposed to be the leaver's questionnaire and exit interview. Beyond the final research report what is the situation: marks out of 10?

This looks a great initiative, especially the participation, collaboration and creativity generated. Below I've related some relevant concepts within Hodges' model: embedded within the spiritual.

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

ipseity, identity

Health: parity of esteem - mind::body

my lived experience, efficacy

ideas, perspective, interpretation

body - movement, physio..

objects, media, physical reality

time, place, space

information sharing

art forms: fine, dance, drama, music ...

collective - collaborative creativity

shared motivation, public awareness

participant identification (biases?)

policy (national - regional, local)

research funding

physical accessibility - transport

funding distribution

My source:

I also realise the access limitations presented here on a blog commenced in 2006.