Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: Review: v Kinchin's Visualising Powerful Knowledge to Develop the Expert Student

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Saturday, January 04, 2020

Review: v Kinchin's Visualising Powerful Knowledge to Develop the Expert Student

Still just in chapter 4 'Presenting the Curriculum'...

Threshold concepts are mentioned on page 57 but not explained (as yet).

There is interesting discussion of students being able to navigate their subjects. On levels of discourse and the role of textbooks. What do textbooks do? What do they not do?

I know this 'review' is a selective reading with my eye on Hodges' model, but the 'evidence' to support #h2cm really stands out. For example, on page 60, the curriculum as a political currency. So informative that I am looking forward to teaching opportunities in the Spring and the possibility of delivering a workshop in the autumn. Tufte is referenced in discussion on Powerpoint, bullet points and the form of notes. Powerpoint is also contrasted with concept mapping, as an affordance for learning.

At the heart of the book Chapter 5 'The Expert Student' is subtitled 'The Need to Manipulate Knowledge'. This gets to nub of the 'traditional' approach to much teaching, the regurgitation of facts. Figure 28, a concept map (of course), suggests and illustrates the dichotomy between competence (chains) and understanding (nets) but these together can make both learning and teaching a fluid, dynamic and rewarding experience (p.74). This is effectively what follows in models of expertise that also addresses the theory practice gap (p.76).

Kinchin's main point for me and what I've been aware of for too many years on W2tQ is that it is the knowledge connections between concepts that are more important than the concepts themselves (p.77). C/o Elvira et al. (2016), ten interrelated instructional principle for expertise development are listed (pp.76-79) and bear specific analysis here (including the content of Hodges' model within a new web environment - how I wish...!).

There's mention of a 'conceptual spine' which is great to read (p.83) but I think the challenge of education and the 21st Century calls for at least two [ Why settle for one! ;-) ]. The concept of 'resilience' is over-used of late (especially in mental health) and is diminished as a consequence. Perhaps, however a call for conceptual resilience AND assurance is very appropriate (testing this resilience is learning)?

'Moving between knowledge structures', that is, theory and practice should be an inevitable experience for students in their learning. Kinchin writes specifically on this with figures to match. On twitter of late (yes, my @h2cm 'bubble') there have been many tweets expressing concern about not just nurse recruitment and retention but student's too. Kinchin notes: "When students are interested or excited with the curriculum they are more likely to develop other positive emotions." (p.83). As I write this a New Year refresh is upon us. I have a template for Hodges' model pre-populated with content that doubtless needs updating. But with every new situation and patient encounter, there is a refresh, new learning to be sought with the patient/carer.

To be completed (but don't wait for me get your own copy!) ;-)

Roland Tormey (2014) The centre cannot hold: untangling two different trajectories of the ‘approaches to learning’ framework, Teaching in Higher Education, 19:1, 1-12.
DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2013.827648

Novak, J.D. and Symington, D.J. (1982) Concept mapping for curriculum development. Victoria Institute for Educational Research Bulletin, 48: 3–11.

Kinchin, I., (2016) Visualising powerful knowledge to develop the expert student. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

See also:

Intro post

Review One





Thanks to Brill for my review copy.