Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: Review: iv Kinchin's Visualising Powerful Knowledge to Develop the Expert Student

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Review: iv Kinchin's Visualising Powerful Knowledge to Develop the Expert Student

It seems there is no escape from 'learning styles'. Just when you thought they are dated and defunct like a Whac-A-Mole up they pop.

Here on serialists and holist - 'big picture' learners (p.37). Kinchin writes:

"Like the deep-surface binary, the holist-serialist dichotomy covers a diversity of perspectives, details of which can be analysed using concept mapping. Concept maps provide an indicator of a student's learning approach for a given context. Raynor and Riding (1997:21) have speculated that:

"The idea that 'style awareness' may help reach reach the 'hard to reach', and perhaps contribute to reducing failure generally by enhancing the learning process, is an elusive but tantalising prospect which clearly merits further attention.' (p.37)
Kinchin cites research on the influence of existing knowledge on learning. How students may simultaneously hold misconceptions and more acceptable (professional) conceptions. Perhaps a way to resolve the learning styles 'debate' is to have tools that can potentially cater for all learning styles? The chapter heading 'Patterns of Learning' points to other requirements, especially in respect of personal learning journeys. As Kinchin discusses conceptual ecologies. This is a very appropriate description for what Hodges' model provides (p.38); and a gestalt (p.43). The domains encourage 'travel' and exploration, as the student formulates a "cycle of concepts" (within one, or around several domains) a means to help integrate a context or situation. The domains of Hodges' model act as placeholders for several concepts simultaneously, whether contentious or not (p.38) or as a source of  'troublesome knowledge'." (p.37).

I've been drawn to Dewey and pragmatism in educational thought, given the accent on a natural and active approach to learning. Chapter 4 moves to Presenting the Curriculum (subtitle: hiding the discipline from view). This surely speaks to the interdisciplinary, interprofessional nature of education in the 21st Century and even the increasing instances(?) when transdisciplinary approaches are needed? Hodges' model predates Project 2000 and the shift of UK nurse education to degree pathways. Mid 1980s the model was created to facilitate curriculum design and Kinchin sees concept maps as evidencing curriculum design and a means to communicate design, communication and implementation.

Four reasons for use of concept maps in relation to curriculum design - summarised here:

1. Concepts maps support 'big picture thinking'. ...
2. Concept maps are embedded in contructivist learning theory ...
3. Concept maps support collaborative planning ...
4. Concept maps reduce the 'cognitive load' placed on teachers* ... (p.54).

I like to the emphasis in this book on structure. The concept maps - learning patterns and curricula, knowledge and very well referenced. 'Cumulative learning' could refer to cramming, committing facts to memory for regurgitation, but it doesn't. It is about student's "understandings integrate and subsume with previous knowledge, or 'segmented learning' where new ideas or skills are accumulated alongside rather than build on past knowledge." (p.55).

Not quite the center of the book, but page 56 introduces a key concept (in Chapter 7) in semantic gravity.

*This came up a lot generally - students too - within educational technology in MRES studies at University of Lancaster.

to be continued...

Roland Tormey (2014) The centre cannot hold: untangling two different trajectories of the ‘approaches to learning’ framework, Teaching in Higher Education, 19:1, 1-12.
DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2013.827648

Novak, J.D. and Symington, D.J. (1982) Concept mapping for curriculum development. Victoria Institute for Educational Research Bulletin, 48: 3–11.

Kinchin, I., (2016) Visualising powerful knowledge to develop the expert student. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

See also:

Intro post

Review One





Thanks to Brill for my review copy.