Drupal update and Drupalcon August Szeged
A piece of paper and a pencil. That's a great place to start. ...
I haven't said much about the 'new' website recently. Perhaps that is because I don't want Drupal CMS to look like it is somehow lacking. On the contrary Drupal is still exactly where the sweet spot can be found. It's possible to create a website very quickly using Drupal, the delay lies entirely with me and my penchant for learning by distraction and doing so on a part-time basis.
So in terms of news where are things up to? Well, I've explored Drupal 4.7, 5 and now 6.2. This constant need to update/upgrade or not is a challenge in itself. Drupal 6 is still lacking some key bits and pieces, but as a virginal Drupe I can afford to look to Drupal 6 and even anticipate version 7.
Regular readers here know I've ported over some of the static pages from the 'old' site:
- Brian's original notes I & II
- My initial introduction to Hodges' model and the site
So I'm learning Drupal and CSS with the addition of jQuery - a javascript library. The static pages have a forum (just two questions), several users and a book outline for company and are styled using drop capitals on the opening section paragraphs, discrete striping for tables and a specific treatment for quotations. Reading the Pro Drupal book on the form API and creating an example, I'd actually been wondering how to put two forms side x side. Reading a CSS book it suggested that if possible reduce the number of DIVs used on a web page. What to do...? Reading the Pro Drupal themes chapter (again) I realised what an idiot I am. It is that simple: use DIVs and float them this way or that. So I must give this try and the Content Construction Kit, Views, Panels and the more generic Drupal property of regions.

So I'm going to see if - funds permitting - I can get to Drupalcon 2008 in Szeged this August. There may be a group of us from Manchester heading that way. Any sponsors welcome and much appreciated!