J'accuse Apollo
about a day in which you have seen four beautiful sunsets.'
John Glenn
I blame Apollo and Gerry Anderson too
for wanting to be an astronaut.
What must it be like
To have the right stuff?
To have the courage
To do the things that must be done
Mind, heart, soul: moments - case of stress
Potential spent - kinetic venerability
Cast adrift, burdened wait lifted: sweet release -
Flotsam, jetsam :object: back to Space
The world is suddenly lighter and older
To remind us of who we are and once were
To look after the where, when, who and see the whole
Trying to keep the stars alight at home
The world is full of astronauts
Call them Carers
Above All - they travail alone
Thanks Apollo and Gerry A. wouldn't want it any other way...