CVS aware Drupal 6 - gotcha!
Using TortoiseCVS (I believe) I have just (literally) installed a CVS aware version of Drupal 6 which fittingly has been released today.
Along the way I used a few different resources including a video.
It helps having read in Pro Drupal Development about CVS and how extra CVS folders are created, then to see them on my PC. All the Drupal 6 folders and file icons also have green ticks, except for the CVS folders (I hope that's a good sign!). There are several 'tests' to follow:
- Need to configure Drupal 6 - get it working!
- I will need to update using CVS at some point, which should now be more straightforward;
- The Denver theme will have to go as it is not yet D6 compatible;
- then - carry over the new files and CSS from Drupal 5 -> 6.
As expected there are some videos on the new features of Drupal 6 - internationalization and localization. I'd better start checking things out closer to home...