Antimicrobial Resistance - an AMR TOOLBOX
Dear All,
AMR (antimicrobial resistance) is an increasing threat to global public health worldwide that requires cross-sectional and cross-disciplinary action. It is present in every country and is spurred by several human made factors including over- and/or inadequate use of antibiotics, poor hygiene and infection prevention control, excessive usage of antibiotics outside the health care sector e.g. in life stock production. And there are reasonable assumptions that the current COVID-19 pandemic might fuel AMR in the hospital.
The AMR TOOLBOX ( is a comprehensive knowledge repository designed to provide its users with practical, up-to-date information on antimicrobial resistance. It collates documents, guidelines, posters, training tools as well as information sources for various disciplines and backgrounds including among others health care sector, veterinary and agriculture sector, but also the general public. Thereby, it contributes to the fight against AMR by providing high quality information for all stakeholders involved.
The AMR TOOLBOX is part of MEDBOX and was jointly created by Apotheker Helfen e.V. and the MEDBOX team.
We hope you find this new toolbox useful! If you have any feedback regarding the content, please feel free to contact us under info AT
Best regards,
the MEDBOX team & Andreas Wiegand Apotheker helfen e.V.
Sieglinde Mauder
Project Manager MEDBOX
Karin Geffert
Project Assistant MEDBOX
HIFA profile: Sieglinde Mauder is Librarian at the Medical Mission Institute, Würzburg, Germany. She collects and distributes resources on HIV/AIDS, tropical diseases, humanitarian aid, health service management, e-learning for partners in developing countries.
sieglinde.mauder AT
My source: HIFA