Down at he-el (parity of esteem)
humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic
he- | -al |
heel talon |
Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...
he- | -al |
heel talon |
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:19 pm
Labels: accessibility , autonomy , education , health , helplessness , mental health , parity of esteem , physical health , policy , politics , poverty , power , process , reflection , services , therapy , treatment , vocation , welfare
The learner's intentionality is the axis from which the context can be interpreted as unified lived experience, making sense of the multiple interactions between people, and activities and resources. A context is always "local to a learner", since it consists of an individual's subjective experience of the world, that is always ... | spatially and... |
historically situated (Lukin 2010, p.18). p.335. |
provide critical resources
| modify the environment |
act as mutualists | control potential dominants |
Posted by
Peter Jones
6:24 pm
Labels: axis , books , context , e-learning , education , framework , Hodges' model , human ecology , interaction , learners , lived experience , objective , resources , situated , students , subjective , technology enhanced learning , theory
My reading of Khan and Ally's International Handbook of E-Learning could amount to a review by a thousand snippets at this rate.
As other priorities also demand attention I'm still on Volume 1 and avidly looking f/w to the 2nd with thanks to the publisher. I've references for my latest study to contribute to other reading. What is interesting is contrasting the place of reflection in nursing, nurse education, education generally and technology enhanced learning. Reflection and reflective practice is a personal activity that is also extensible, something that can and must educationally be shared with others. If there are already challenges in proving the value of Hodges' model within nursing (and global health!) there are other pressures from within education and technology enhanced learning specifically. As João Mattar notes:
Although Hirumi (2011) argues that his grounded approach neither subscribes to, nor advocates any particular epistemology, his decision of distinguishing internal interactions from all others as one of the three fundamental levels within his framework seems indeed to privilege a specific type of learning in an era where connectivism claims that learning should no longer be considered an internal and individualistic activity (Siemens, 2004; Anderson & Dron, 2010,2012). (p.301)There are lessons in all these chapters for me. Pencilled observations and things to pospost (new word?) are scrawled throughout the 320 pages so far and here are a few more:
My own theory of education is minimal (so minimal it hardly qualifies as a theory, and is almost certainly not my own): "to teach is to model and to demonstrate; to learn is to practice and reflect." Thus, minimally, we need an environment that supports all four of these on a massive scale. In practice, what this means is a system designed so that bottlenecks are not created in any of the four attributes: modeling, demonstration, practice, and reflection. p.66.More to follow, read and write!
Posted by
Peter Jones
7:08 pm
Labels: academia , book , creativity , e-learning , education , future , higher education , learning , modelling , practice , project , reflection , report , research , students , teaching , technology , technology enhanced learning
living person sculpture | sculpture 24/7/365 living 1 : 4 : 9 | ||
| Transformation Institution productivity contracts innovation efficiency technology engagement 'unsocial hours' 'out of hours' negotiation power |
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:58 pm
Labels: arts , awareness , communication , exhibition , gender , ideas , identity , individual , LGBT , meaning , media , person , policy , political , sculpture , self , society , transformation , transgender
Posted by
Peter Jones
8:10 pm
Labels: activism , artefacts , artist , arts , China , choice , comments , conservation , destruction , exhibition , freedom , history , individual , information , meaning , politics , self expression , State , value , values
| BODY |
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:06 pm
Labels: activity , anatomy , BBC , beliefs , care domains , commentary , identity , individual , media , meditation , mind , movement , narrative , physical , physiology , radio , religion , running , spiritual , well-being
I don't know if they say things about stamp collectors but there's one over here. In mitigation I'm of the dormant type, it's more about buying gifts for junior family members. Things to keep if the recipients are minded to. Over the years stamps have taught me a great deal: the rise plateau and fall of an empire; the changing face of Africa and the 'Rest of the World', the politics of the world and the truth and lies behind geographic projections. Like painting, drawing and other possibilities the stamps are there, imprinted on my brain as a possible thing to do.
As a mental health nurse I've come across many people (demographically predictably usually males) who have planned for retirement for quite a while and then when it happens the impact is a psychological sledgehammer. While it's also surprising to learn of the people who do not have any interests, you can also see how trite, inappropriate, insensitive ... the question of "Do you have any hobbies?" can seem.
That's because when you listen and hear:
the harried, hesitant, hopeless bound accounts of not knowing who is looking back in the mirror in a morning. Why am I standing there at all? Walking the dog, whatever the month, you see the crucial umbilicus is failing. The one that connects me simultaneously to myself, others, the world at large and joie de vivre:
| ||||
Posted by
Peter Jones
10:00 pm
Labels: abuse , activity , children , England , geography , global , history , hobbies , Hodges' model , human rights , learning , philately , prevention , psychiatry , sciences , stamps , themes , violence , vulnerability
Updated image: c/o and Ack.
See also:
Changing families and households, The King's Fund
Demographic Perspectives on Family Change, Toward an Integrated Science of Research on Families: Workshop Report. NCBI.
Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity, SAGE Publications Ltd.
Family Formation in 21st Century Australia, Springer
My original source:
The Telegraph
Move over Andy Warhol: Let's hear it for the forgotten women of pop art
I hope to visit the pop art exhibition at Tate Modern next weekend. (I did so).
Posted by
Peter Jones
5:52 pm
Labels: access , agencies , anagram , austerity , business , commercial , economics , equality , equity , ethics , funding , government , healthcare , media , NHS , policy , politics , public services , quality , The Times
| Operational |
Relational | Academic |
| process |
practise | policy |
Posted by
Peter Jones
8:18 pm
Labels: academia , books , competence , e-learning , education , governance , higher education , Hodges' model , Internet , learning , metacognitive , operational , relational , roles , students , teaching , technology enhanced learning
Born in Liverpool, UK.
Community Mental Health Nurse NHS, Part-time Lecturer,
Researcher Nursing & Technology Enhanced Learning
Registered Nurse - Mental Health & General
Community Psychiatric Nursing (Cert.) MMU
PG Cert. Ed.
BA(Joint Hons.) Computing and Philosophy - BIHE - Bolton
PG(Dip.) Collaboration on Psychosocial Education [COPE] Univ. Man.
MRES. e-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster Univ.
Live and work in NW England - seeking a global perspective.
The views expressed on W2tQ are entirely my own, unless stated otherwise.
Comments are disabled.
If you would like to get in touch please e-mail me at h2cmng AT