Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD

Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Objectify me by Nicola L.

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      
'You can touch
my breasts,
caress my stomach,
my sex.
But, I repeat it,
it is the last time,'

- read a note
L. left in a drawer.

Nicola L.
 'La Femme Commode' (1969)

My source: Stoppard, L. Objectify me, House&Home, FTWeekend, 5-6 October 2024, pp.1-2.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Trauma - MUSIC PRESCRIPTION - James Rhodes

 'By now we're all familiar with the idea of music as therapy. For James Rhodes, however, music can be equivalent - at times even preferable - to  medication in the management of mental health. "Obviously, I am in favour of medication when it is necessary to save lives," says the 49-year-old British-Spanish classical pianist, when I meet him at Peregrine's, an upmarket piano shop in Clerkenwell, central London. "I was on medication and it genuinely saved my life. What I'm not in favour of is medication as a kind of easy option instead of doing other things that will also have the same effect. And there's no question that music [can]." 
 Manía, Rhodes's new album, is driven by that philosophy. Traversing swaths of classical territory, from JS Bach to 20th-century Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera, it is an attempt to profile the therapeutic properties of music from all angles, "I've always loved this idea of prescribing pieces," says Rhodes. As someone who has struggled with his own mental health, he says he has selected works that "accompany me and my insomnia, my anxiety, my desperation and my fears in the middle of the night"'. p.13.

My source:
Nepilová, H. Music on prescription, Arts, Life&Arts, FTWeekend. 8-9 March 2025. p.13.

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      





Monday, March 24, 2025

4Ps - human-MACHINE :: HUMAN-machine

HODGES' MODEL: Axes & Domains
As visited many times here on W2tQ, in Hodges' model I've associated one of 4P's with each of the model's care/knowledge domains. I immediately associated PROCESS with the sciences domain (physical, chemical, biological, geological..), driven by the seemingly process-bound approach of project management, logistics, automation and sequencing. 

This preoccupation can work to the detriment of the user(s) of systems (the public!), devices, interfaces and administrations - record management for example. Allied with POLICY in the political domain you can end up with a massive and technocratic bureaucracy. 

In nursing there was concern when the nursing process emerged that progress of individualised, person-centred care would be overwhelmed with a return to task-oriented care. Patients would literally be processed, in what is a problem-solving algorithm: assess, plan, intervene, evaluate.

Of course,  as in all idealised models, there is overlap between the 4Ps and the model's domains. We speak routinely of social, psychological, and political processes.

The rise of AI however prompts (demands) this debate be re-visited:

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

the human -


the machine -

- can become machine


- can become human





Previously: 'ethics' : 'nursing process' : '4Ps'

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Is it? Can it be? An elevator pitch!

How many times have people asked me?

"If you were to explain Hodges' model as an elevator pitch what would you say?"

So, what would it be?

I wrote this on twitter and think it's a step in the right direction - domains: 

There is -
              *Person, self, individual ..
*Other(s), collective, pop.. 
      (a) person has MIND & BODY (for now!) 
(a) person is supported by ALL Others 
We call this Humanity
For the majority all bridges *cognitively* accessible:
n.b. Politicians, policy makers

Saturday, March 22, 2025

THE PERIODICAL: Your Menstrual Hygiene Day Secretariat

Dear readers,
It was a rough first three months for many of us with US Aid ending abruptly in January.
Additionally, the global pushback against gender equality and menstruation-related topics continues.
Yet, in the face of this, we continue to stand strong.
Progress in menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) is happening—
from landmark funding commitments to critical research shaping
policies and understanding worldwide.

In this edition, we bring you:

Funding Updates / Events / Publications / Lots of new research


My source: Email - Newsletter: The Periodical.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Book 'Your Life Is Manufactured: How We Make Things, Why It Matters and How We Can Do It Better'

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

My choices
  My vote

Your Life Is Manufactured


lawful government
legitimate government

Yes, you can vote -
does it 'count'?

My source: Book
Crabtree, J. Chain reactions, Books, Life&Arts, FTWeekend, 22-23 February 2025, p.11.

Video: Choreographic painting "Labor Day". Igor Moiseyev Ballet

A short & sweet tweet/X for . . .

         ... the challenge of a lifetime ...

    ... for several researchers mathematicians?

This thread, also written - copied out beforehand provides the basis for an enlarged post to follow.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

News on two papers: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards & Threshold Concepts

 - plus of course Hodges' model

While I could find out (here on W2tQ!?), I can't remember exactly when I started a writing project about threshold concepts, deprivation of liberty safeguards in the context of residential care and nursing homes. It was at least 2013, and may date back to 2011. Well, whenever it was: what a palaver! 

One paper, rejected, the advice was to split the work and create two. The two papers were then also rejected. My writing is always off-piste as it were, on-off too; and then ironically COVID-19 may have helped too? Afterwards, I started to pick it up again - the same title but parts 1 & 2. I never heard from one journal, so quickly moved on. Each time, the work improved thanks to two reviewers and their feedback. All the time my thought about Hodges' model has itself changed: I like to think progressed. With further revision, I finally had two standalone papers.

Journal of Evaluation
 in Clinical Practice
The important thing is the news received this week: Re. ...
'"A Conceptual Mapping Exercise of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in Residential & Community Care using Hodges’ Model and Threshold Concepts". I am pleased to be able to tell you that has been accepted for publication in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.'
A further paper (part 1 originally) same journal, to be referenced in the above, needs some minor revisions.

I am worried about another paper, with a similar history, that I can now turn my attention to (this itself speaks volumes!). I can see I need to alter the emphasis, balance of Hodges' model, diagrams, psychological therapies and case formulation. A co-author would help, but of course everyone's busy.

So if you're writing and struggling: do keep going!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Virtual Evening Seminars on Topics in Artificial Intelligence - BCS-SGAI

BCS Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (BCS-SGAI)
Virtual Evening Seminars on Topics in Artificial Intelligence

The first three events in this year's programme of virtual evening seminars will be on March 26th, April 9th and May 14thAll the virtual seminars are free of charge and open to all. No registration is necessary. 

Further details are given below.


(1) Wednesday March 26th 2025 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (UK time): 

'Symbolic AI versus Neuro-Symbolic AI'

Dr George Baryannis (University of Huddersfield) on 'Knowledge-based Artificial Intelligence: Achieving Inherent Explainability in Intelligent Applications'.

Dr Mercedes Arguello Casteleiro (SGAI) on 'One Digital Health: Symbolic AI versus Neuro-Symbolic AI' and -

Dr Safaa Menad (University of Rouen, France) on 'Merging and Validating Health Ontologies'.

Website (including Zoom link): 



(2) Wednesday April 9th 2025 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (UK time): 'Computer Vision Applications'.

There will be two talks: Dr James Haworth (University College London) on 'Progress in computer vision for scene understanding in urban analytics' and Dr Tianjin Huang (University of Exeter) on ' Benchmarking the Robustness of Remote Sensing Foundation Models'.

Website (including Zoom link): https://www.bcs-sgai.org/seminars/2025-04-09/


(3) Wednesday May 14th 2025 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (UK time), as part of our Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining series. There will be two talks: Prof. Dr. Anna Fensel (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) on 'Knowledge graphs, FAIR principles and generative AI for scientific discoveries in agri-food' and Dr Anelia Kurteva (Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK) on 'Responsible AI through responsible data management and governance enabled by knowledge graphs'

Website (including Zoom link): (link to follow)


To register for information about future SGAI events go to https://www.bcs-sgai.org/register/

Max Bramer, Chair BCS-SGAI

(- and my source BCS-SGAI list)

Monday, March 17, 2025

1st Seminar Series: "Violence, Memory, Networks" - Interdisciplinary Connections

Dear colleagues,

The first session of the seminar "Violence, Memory, Networks" will take place on 19th March, 2025, at 2.30 pm (GMT), exclusively online.

In this session, Caroline Elkins (Harvard University, USA) will speak about "Legalized Lawlessness: Violence and the End of the British Empire" and Max Silverman (University of Leeds, UK) will bring us a communication on "Concentrationary violence and the everyday: the Zone of Interest (Jonathan Glazer, 2023)".

Registration is free but mandatory: https://forms.gle/brgNcR6hk6dxf7gu7

Event website: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/seminarvmn/

We would be very grateful if you could publicise the event through your channels.

Looking forward to see you soon,

The organising committee.

My source: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/ief/